Aromatics with a purpose

Our products are hand crafted using therapeutic grade essential oils, the finest organic carrier oils, + infused with the healing energies of crystals. Surround yourself with divine fragrances that balance your frequency and elevate your spirit.

Chakra Rollers

The Chakra line of rollers are designed to help open each energy center in order to allow the energy to flow free to bring about greater vitality and balance to each chakra.

Aromatic Sprays

Whether you use as a room, linen, or body spray, this line of aromatics will delight!

WSMFP Rollers

This line of rollers was inspired by our most favorite Widespread Panic songs. When a song or a band touches you, inscribing itself onto your soul, like Widespread Panic has done for us, you carry that with you always. We live for that joy and freedom you feel getting lost in your favorite songs. We hope these rollers help you hold onto that feeling throughout your day.